The Crossroads logos listed here are provided for your use in various formats as appropriate. This page offers usage guidelines. The logos should not be modified in any way.

Basic Logo Usage Guidelines

Use the entire logo “lockup” (the combined logo with the Square and tagline) whenever possible. There are times when it is appropriate to use the logo elements separately. For instance, if you only have a small horizontal space, you may elect to use just the The Crossroads logo type and the tag line.

Do not stretch the logo. Logo proportions are critical and should not be altered. When scaling the logo, most programs allow you to hold the shift key during the scaling operation to maintain the graphic’s proportions. If you are unsure how to do this, please contact us.

NOTE: Please take note of the margin around the logo equivalent to the width of the letter “C” in Crossroads. This allows the logo room to “breathe” and be visually separated from surrounding graphic elements.

**To find out more about what file formats are necessary for your desired application, click here.**


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The same rules as above are valid for use on the internet. The main differences in web logos are that they are in RGB color format (which is native for all electronic displays) and their size is fixed (measured in pixels…most screens have a resolution of 72 pixels per inch). If you select a logo that is 2 inches wide, the pixel count will be 144 pixels across (72 dpi x 2 inches wide = 144 pixels). So, for whatever use you have in mind, consider the final size on the screen and do the math to determine what file you need. We have supplied a wide variety of internet/email logo files.